My-Tho Dec 23, 2008


To: Mr. Chairman of the People's Committee of Vinh Long Province

Dear Sir,

I, Sister Huynh Thi Bich-Ngoc, provincial superior of the order, on behalf of our sisters at the Congregation of St Paul of Chartres in My-Tho, currently residing at:

Congregation of Saint Paul of Chartres

14 Hung Vuong St, 7th Ward

My-Tho City- Tien Giang

would like to forward to Mr. Chairman the position of our congregation at St Paul Convent in My-Tho in regard to


1. Work ethics of the People's Committee of Vinh Long province:

On Dec 10, 2008 the Congregation of St Paul of Chartres had received an invitation number 388/GM-VP. UBND dated Dec 3, 2008 from the office of the People’s Committee of Vinh Long province which reads as follows:

"Mrs. Huynh Thi My Ngoc, provincial superior to the Congregation of St Paul, at 14 Hung Vuong st, 7th ward, My-Tho City, Tien Giang province is invited to come to the office of the People's Committee of Vinh Long province at 88, Hoang Thai Hieu st, 1st ward, Vinh Long township at 9 am on Dec 12, 2008 to exchange and discuss about the land lot at 3 To Thi Huynh st, 1st ward, Vinh-Long township (please see attached invitation letter)

At 9 am on Dec 12, 2008 when entering the meeting room, the representatives of sisters of St Paul Congregation were caught by surprise and wondered about the work ethics of the People's Committee of Vinh Long province, the highest administrative governmental body in the province, for the following facts:

-The Congregation of St Paul was invited to exchange and discuss but present at the meeting were also the authoritative organs and news media personnel such as the editor in chief of Vinh Long Newsmagazine and the Radio and TV stations of province.

- The Congregation of St Paul was invited to exchange and discuss but at the meeting Mr. Pham Van Dau, chairman of the provincial People's Committee who was in charge of the press conference in which the announcement of how the lot at 3 To Thi Huynh, 1st ward, Vinh Long township would be utilized was made public (please see the attached Announcement)

Prior to the end of the meeting, the Congregation of St Paul suggested that the Chairman of the People's Committee of Vinh Long would hand (the Congregation) a report of the meeting with every events and statements made during the course of the meeting, but until 4pm (or 6 hours after the meeting ended) the Congregation only received Announcement number 163/TB-UBND dated Dec12, 2008 from the People's Committee which was totally puzzling to the Congregation!

2/ Content of Announcement of The People's Committee of Vinh Long Province 163/TB-UBND dated Dec 12, 2008:

Announcement number 163/TB-UBND dated Dec 12, 2008 The People's Committee of Vinh Long Province was to inform about a press conference in order to announce the intended usage of lot 3, To Thi Huynh St, 1 st ward, Vinh-Long township. The intention of Congregation of Saint Paul, however was not to participate in the press conference since their representatives were invited "to exchange and discuss specifically about the land lot at 3 To Thi Huynh, 1st ward, Vinh Long township"

During the meeting, after listening to the announcement regarding the utilization of the lot at 3 To Thi Huynh, 1st ward, Vinh Long township, made by Mr. Pham Van Dau, chairman of the provincial People's Committee who was in charge of the press conference- the priests from the Committee for Solidarity in Vinh Long as well as the sisters from Congregation of St Paul had spoken their opinions of disagreement with the decision to build a public square at 3 To Thi Huynh, 1st ward, Vinh Long township since the property belongs to the Congregation of St Paul but was seized illegally by the provincial government of Vinh Long in 1977, a diversion from the (land) policy at the time. Besides, since the Congregation is filing a complaint against this seizure therefore there should be no construction going on in this property until demand for compensation is met.


The Congregation of St Paul would like to reassert our point of view (on the issues) as follows:

1/ The facility at 3 To Thi Huynh St, Vinh-Long township is not an object against any land use policy since this is a convent. It's a piece of land owned by a religion.

2/ Was there such a governmental policy on eradication of religions, of the religious orders in 1977?

We suggest that the provincial government of Vinh Long confirms if there was a governmental policy on eradication of religions and religious orders in 1977 which could justify for the treatment of the local officials against 18 St Paul nuns as if they were dangerous criminals; and for breaking-in, blocking up the facility, arresting the nuns, throwing them out of their dwellings with bare hands, and seizing all their properties including the religious items without any judicial order or warrant!

If the government can confirm such eradication policy on religions and religious orders really existed, the Congregation of St Paul will cease their complaints, realizing the government was only pursuing their own policy. If the government cannot confirm the existence of such policy (on eradication of religions and religious orders) then it can be concluded that the provincial government of Cuu Long was illegal diverting from their (land use) policy. Therefore, the only appropriate solution would be (for the government) to return the facility at 3 To Thi Huynh st, 1st ward, Vinh-Long township to the Congregation of St Paul, on the ground of illegal diverting from the (land use) policy by the government when seizing it!

3/ Request for clarification on Decision number 1958/QD-UBT-77, Sept 9, 1977 By the People's Committee of Cuu Long Province.

In order for the truth not to be distorted and justice be shining, for the dignity of Congregation of St Paul to be restored, the Congregation (of St Paul ) once again suggests that the provincial government of Vinh Long clarifies Decision number 1958, dated Sept 6, 1977 issued by the People's Committee of Cuu Long, which was a wrongful decision, laden with defaming, offensive and derogatory to the principle of the Congregation of St Paul, thus causing (the Congregation) to suffer both physical, and more importantly, mental loss which is now the crucial point of this complaint from the Congregation (of St Paul).

To our view, when ignoring the fact that the Decision was wrongful, the result of a illegal diversion from the policy of the provincial government of Cuu Long then, but Vinh Long government is still leaning on (the Decision) as much as it is on other decrees and resolutions to protect and legitimize then Cuu Long government’s wrongful act in order not to seek solution to the Congregation of St Paul.

Not to mention the form called Decision 1958/QD -UBT- 77 which was handed to the Congregation of St Paul by the Vinh Long Government's delegation on Aug 27, 2005. The document was missing a signature and a seal from the issuer, also missing was the last paragraph of the second page, and featuring 2 distinct fonts, one was done by a type-writer and the other was computer generated.

4/ We ask for compensation even when the land is being utilized for the benefit of the public.

In the announcement it was written: "In many previous claims, the Congregation (of St Paul) had stated that should it be utilized by the government for the good of the public, (the congregation) will not seek compensation"

We would like to reiterate that from the beginning, our claims have always been that even (the land) is being utilized for the public good, compensation is still a must. Let take an example:

- On Oct 26, 2006, since we filed our claim, your plan could have been changed from building a hotel to building a project in the public interest on the land owned by the Congregation of St Paul at 3 To Thi Huynh st, 1st ward, Vinh-Long township. We also accept the alternative, even though the value of compensation made for the land to be used for public interest is not equivalent to the value of compensation made for purpose of business ventures. We however ask that it would have to be documented that this is a project for the benefit of the public and we ask to be compensated satisfactorily according to the government's guidelines.

5/ If the land is being wasted in the metro area please return it to the Congregation of St Paul: According to Mr. Pham Van Dau, Chairman of the People's Committee of Vinh-Long province, who stated during a meeting on Dec 12, 2008: "the lot cannot be wasted in the metro area and yet to be used for anything” then returning it to the Congregation of St Paul is the most reasonable solution.

6/ A plan for building a convent

In case the government would like to see the lot to be utilized for the common good of the public, we suggest the compensation should be property with an equivalent value so a convent for sisters of St Paul in Vinh Long can be built. The projected convent if not being built up to today's standard of development in the country then it would be on the same scale as of the one at 3 To thi Huynh st when erected in 1977. Only then our nuns can have a place to practice their religion, to live, and a place to carry out the activities as guided by our principle namely a church, a living quarter with enough room for daily activities, a kindergarten school on a large scale of operation, a place to house and care for children with Down syndrome, and a public facility where the nuns can train our volunteers for serving the disadvantaged children as well as the lonely elderly.


Due to aforementioned reasons, the Congregation of St Paul vehemently opposes the proposed usage of our Congregation's facility at 3 To thi Huynh in Vinh Long city building a public square for city of Vinh-Long, whereas the compensation to our Congregation of St Paul has not been satisfactorily met.

Respectfully yours,

On behalf of Sisters of St Paul Congregation,

Provincial Superior,

Sr. Huynh thi Bich-Ngoc

(signed and sealed)

Petition from the Bishop of Vinh-Long diocese I have been living in Vinh-Long since Sept 1, 1953. At that time, next to the (old) Cathedral there was a school. a convent and a chapel belonging to the sisters of St Paul Congregation. Now all have been reduced to a vacated piece of land.

I ask the government to reconsider the decision to demolish the convent and the chapel in order to build a public square on the property where the convent used to be. Let it be proven to all that this government is protective of all religions.

I am in total unity with the view of Congregation of St Paul.

+ Thomas Nguyen Van Tan,

Bishop of Vinh-Long Diocese



As mentioned above.

-Secretary General of Party's Central Committee -Members of the Secretariat on duty -Chief of State.

-Chairman of National Assembly

- Prime Minister

-Chairman of Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front -Chairman of Central Committee of Catholic Solidarity of Vietnam -Chief of Central Party's Committee for People Propaganda -Chief of Governmental Committee of Religious Affairs -Chief Government Inspectorate -Minister, Chairman of Government Office -Deputy chief of Government Office -Minister of Public Security -Minister of Natural Resources and Environment -Minister of Construction.

-Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Tong Van Nga.

-Mr. Dang Trung Thanh, Vice Chief of Agency 1 - Head of Communist Party of Vietnam Cenrtral Committee of Home Affairs -Council for Consultant on Religions of Vietnam Fatherland Front - Rev. Huynh Cong Minh, General Representative of Cardinal Archbishop of HochiMinh City

- Rev. Chairman of Central Committee for Solidarity -Mr. Secretary for the Committee of Vinh Long Province -Chairman of The People's Committee of Vinh Long -Bishop of Vinh Long Diocese -Bureau of Natural Resources and Environment -Chief Inspectorate of Vinh Long's Bureau of Natural Resources and Environment -Bureau of Construction of Vinh Long Province -Bureau of Public Security of Vinh Long Province

- Bureau of Investigation of Vinh Long Province -Chief Inspectorate of Vinh Long Province -Committee for People Propaganda of Vinh Long Province -Office For Members of National Assembly of Vinh Long Province.

-Offices of Public Security among all wards in Vinh Long township -Chairpersons of Committees of all wards in Vinh Long township.

- Saigon-Vinh Long Joint Stock Travel Company.

-Vinh Long Lottery Company.

-Tran Phu Printing Co, HoChiMinh City.

-Saigon Tourist, HoChiMinh City.

-Vinh Long News magazine.

-Radio -Television Stations of Vinh Long