WASHINGTON (CNS) -- U.S. Catholics are generally optimistic about their church, according to the 2009 Le Moyne-Zogby Contemporary Catholic Trends survey released April 9. Close to three-fourths of those responding said they were at least somewhat optimistic about the church's future: 36 percent said they were very optimistic and 37 percent were somewhat optimistic. Those Catholics who identified themselves as progressive were more likely to be pessimistic; even so, on this issue they were a minority within their group. Four percent were very pessimistic about the church's future and 36 percent were somewhat pessimistic. By contrast, those who identified themselves as "orthodox" Catholics were much more optimistic. Only 6 percent of that group said they were somewhat pessimistic, and just 1 percent very pessimistic. The Contemporary Catholic Trends survey polled 767 Catholics out of 3,812 randomly sampled members of the Zogby Interactive Panel Feb. 23-25. The margin of error was plus or minus 3.6 percentage points. The survey is a joint effort between the Zogby International polling firm and Le Moyne College in Syracuse, N.Y., a Catholic college that is the alma mater of Zogby founder and president John Zogby.