Dirty tricks used against Vietnamese Catholics

Hanoi, Vietnam.- Five months ago in Tibet, several Chinese Communist comrades mingled with the crowd of peaceful monks to revolt against the government. As a result, thousands of peaceful monks were trapped in an inhuman scheme to quickly become innocent victims who were ruthlessly killed, arrested, tortured, and beheaded because of their strong faith. This peaceful protest really shocked the world, and China has really rough times to save its ugly and cruel face to the world. Not only with these dirty tricks, Chinese government have also vilified, made false accusation and labeled these monks as troublemakers.

"Like father like son," as Vietnamese proverb says.

Then on last Tuesday (August 19, 2008) these same dirty tricks were again used by the Vietnamese government of Hanoi to constrain Catholic faithful from a Redemptorist-run parish Thai Ha.

Policemen in full forces, officials from Vietnamese government and some fake workers at a Chien Thang fashionhouse nearby were sent by the government to harass parishioners of Thai Ha who were solemnly praying and reciting the Rosary in front of their errected statue of Our Blessed Virgin Mary at that time. Government televisions were also present on the scene to do a so-called standby "fake" interview.

An old man who mingled with the crowd of Thai Ha parishioners suddently showed off his face for the interview. He called and described himself as a "Catholic." But thanks to God's help and providence, the crowd of peaceful parishioners of Thai Ha quickly identified him as a "fake Catholic" who did not know his baptism name when being questioned by the crowd, and was sent by the Communist government of Vietnam to make false accusations against these parishioners of Thai Ha.

The youthful crowd along with several women of the parish then pointed at him and ordered him not to tell lies, not to accuse falsely, and stop acting like a Catholic. His face turned pale and he was speechless and then found way to disappear from the crowd.

Thai Ha parishioners are not abetted in mutiny this time by these Communist malefactors thanks to God's providence and help!