New York, NY (AHN) - The luck of the Irish hasn't been with Caroline Kennedy's mid-life political aspirations as news emerges that the daughter of slain President Jack F. Kennedy might have been rebuffed by the Holy See in her bid to become U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.

The Catholic mother of two daughters and a son has spent much of her life out of the limelight that surrounds her family that has always had a large number of politicians. Yet Kennedy, who has spent years working for charities, was never known for being politically active. That is until last year when her children persuaded her to support and campaign for Barack Obama's presidential bid.

Since President Obama's election, Kennedy has let it be known that she wanted a political role. She was reportedly considered for nomination to the Senate seat U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vacated, but Caroline pulled out her name from consideration for personal reasons.

Obama was reportedly considering Kennedy for the ambassador post to the Vatican. However, the Vatican has made it plain that they don't like Obama's stand on stem cell research and abortion. That means the Holy See would be less than comfortable with Kennedy serving as ambassador because she is pro-choice.

Kennedy is the great, great-granddaughter of Irish Catholic immigrants, her father was the nation's 35th president, many of her other relatives have held political office, including her uncle Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), who is known as the Lion of the Senate.
