The lawsuit brought by Thai Ha parishioners who demanded correct information from their criminal trial on Dec 8, 2008 to be made by the state new media has been further complicated and delayed by bureaucracy from the court and the editor of the newspaper. Various bureaucratic maneuvers have also been applied to delay their Court of Appeal hearing.

Two of the Thai Ha defendants had come forward and filed a complaint against the New Hanoi Newspaper and VTV Television station for false reporting during the said trial proceeding. It was alleged in the complaint that the News media had blatantly reported that all defendants had admitted their guilt and begged for mercy from the government while ignoring the fact that none of them pleaded guilty and asked for leniency.

According to the plaintiffs, when they came to meet with the judge at Ba Dinh People's Court to follow through with the legal process in the law suit against the Television station, the clerk had tried different tactics to delay the meeting. First she said the judge has a stroke, then after a heated argument, the judge got on the phone and promised the plaintiffs a response in writing on whether the case would be heard or there is any further document needs to be filed on or about Feb 12, 2009

Later, at the Hoan Kiem district court, where the law suit on New Hanoi Newspaper was filed, the plaintiffs learned that their complaint was being returned. The note from the judicial officer -judge Nguyen Manh Hung- that supposed to explain the reason was equivocal:"According to the complaint and the documents filed by Mrs. Dung and Mrs. Viet to the Hoan Kiem People's Court, nothing indicates that the two ladies had sent their statements in writing to the New Hanoi News " When asked to explain what exactly the note means, the clerk refused to do so, citing it was not his job. He also denied access to the judge, telling them he was not in.

After an hour of arguing with the clerks, judge Nguyen Manh Hung stepped out to explain to the plaintiffs that his note means they needed a document from the media outlet indicating the receipt of the plaintiffs’ objection.

On Jan 6, 2009 Mr. Luat brought his 2 clients to the office of New Hanoi Newspaper to finish the legal procedure as required by the Hoan Kiem district court. He was first denied of service by the online editor citing “sensitive issue has to be handled by the editor in chief." Mr. Luat was then lead to meet with the assistant editor in chief Le Tien Dung. After careful inspecting of the lawyer's IDs, Mr. Dung asked the lawyer to go out so he can talk to the plaintiffs in private. Eventually Mr. Dung told them his office need to further investigation on the articles and the writers before the decision on whether (the newspaper) would publish their correction could be made.

In another legal battle, Thai Ha Catholic activists have appealed the conviction of destroying state property and disturbing of public order during a protest at the Redemptorist monastery. Court of Appeal also delays hearing through various bureaucratic maneuvers.

Le Tran Luat, the pro bono lawyer who - with the help of another lawyer from Dak Lak province - represents the Thai Ha defendants in the court of appeal, said he had come to the Hanoi's People Court twice to review and to update the file to little avail due to either the judicial officer appointed in this case often conveniently absent or no court personnel claimed to be responsible for this particular legal process. The only news he could obtain was the new location for the trial would be at 2 Nguyen Trai, Ha Dong. He was also informed via phone that on this coming Feb 12 he will be able to obtain updates on the status of the appellate case of the Thai Ha defendants.

While declining to discuss further on the up-coming court hearing, Mr. Luat believes the outcome of the case depends on two factors:

1- The solidarity of the global Christian community and of those who promote and believe in justice and the truth.

2 - The close watch of domestic and worldwide news media.