Re: Vietnam Television's broadcasting information that was false, derogatory to its citizens' dignity and honor.

To: Ba Dinh People's Court, Hanoi city

Full name of Petitioners:

1. Ngo Thi Dung - born 1954
Personal ID No: 010213259, issued Apr 21,2003 in Hanoi City
Residence:15 Van Phuc Drive, Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Mailing address:306 C3 TT Vinh Ho, Nga Tu So ward, Dong Da, Hanoi

2.Nguyen Thi Viet - born 1949
Passport No. B2000602, issued Mar, 2008
Residence: Group 8 Thinh Quang, Dong Da, Hanoi

Full Name of Respondent:

Vietnam Television
Address: 43 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Ngoc Khanh ward, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi City
Phone:(844) 38355932,; email:
Permit No 266/GP -BVHTT issued on Sept1, 2000


Legal actions against the respondents are requested as follow:

We among the 8 defendants were charged and tried for "disorderly conduct" and "damaging state's property" by the People's Trial Court of Dong Da district, Hanoi on Aug 12, 2008

We were charged in the indictment of "disorderly conduct" and "damaging state's property" but when in court we asserted that praying and smashing up the wall illegally erected right on our Church's property was the right thing to do and it wasn't in violation of the law. We had filed petition for an appeal on that verdict from the lower court.

Regrettably, during Vietnam Television's broadcast at 7 pm on Dec 18, 2008, it was reported by the VTV1 as "the defendants had admitted to criminal conduct"

In the mean time, a news episode on VTV's website wrote:"the defendants had admitted to criminal conduct" which was falsified. Since we did not violate the law therefore there was no such thing as "The defendants had admitted to criminal conduct"

The fact that VTV utilizing the media to falsely report our "guilt acceptance" was derogatory to the dignity, honor and reputation of each one of the defendants.

1. We therefore request that the People's Court of Ba Dinh district, Hanoi City will compel Vietnam Television to broadcast correct information and an apology to us on VTV1 channel and on Vietnam Television's website for providing false information about us.

2. We also request that the People's Court of Ba Dinh district, Hanoi City to compensate each one of us for mental suffering as a result of their providing information that were false and derogatory to each one of our (defendants) dignity, honor and reputation. The level of mental damage would be an equivalent to one month worth of our minimum wages or $540,000 VN Dong (roughly $50 US dollars)

Documents, exhibits to file along with the Complaint including:

1. Photocopies of Mrs. Ngo Thi Dung's ID and Family Register; also photocopies of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Viet's passport and Family Register
2. Receipt for express delivery with reply
3. Print out of excerpt with false information from VTV 1 from website
4. CD containing video image and website of the VTV station which broadcasted the false information
5. CD containing the sound recording of the court proceeding (evidence against our guilt admission as reported by VTV)
6. Witnesses:
6.1 Attorney Le Tran Luat (defense attorney at the trial on Dec 8,2008.)
Address: Law Office 30, 3rd st, base 36B
Ward 7, Go Vap Ho Chi Minh City

6.2 Rev Peter Nguyen Van Khai (who was invited to attend the trial on Dec 8, 2008.)

Other information deem relevant to the case:

-We have suggested VTV to make corrections on falsified information about each and every one of our defendants and compensate for our mental losses. We also requested a response to our complaint. It's now passed the statute of limitation VTV however has neither made corrections nor responded to our complaint in writing.

-We ask the People's Court of Ba Dinh district, Hanoi city to subpoena the witness Rev Nguyen Van Khai (Thai Ha monastery, Dong Da, Hanoi) and attorney Le Tran Luat (30, 3rd st, base 26B, ward 7, Go Vap, Ho Chi Minh City) who was present at the trial on Dec 8, 2008

Hanoi City, Jan 8, 2009


Ngo Thi Dung (signed)
Nguyen Thi Viet (signed)