The Redemptorist Province of Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City, 19 December 2008

Response Letter

To: Mr. Nguyen The Thao,
Chairman of Hanoi' People Committee.

We would like to send you a greeting in the spirit of respect for the truth and respect for one another.

We have received your letter No. 3990/UBND-NC signed on Dec. 12, 2008.

Pursuant to the Canon Law of the Catholic Church, to Redemptorist Constitution and Statutes, and in terms of pastoral relevance, we can confirm that Redemptorist priests Fr. Vu Khoi Phung, Fr. Nguyen Van That, Fr. Nguyen Van Khai and Fr. Nguyen Ngoc Nam Phong did not do anything wrong that they need to be "criticized and educated" and therefore be "transferred out of Hanoi area."

We can neither find any statements from these priests that incite riots nor their false accusation of anyone. As a matter of fact, their statements are completely true and accurate. They have never fought against authorities, nor attempted to create rift between the government and people. They have only been against wrong doings.

Redemptorist priests Fr. Vu Khoi Phung, Fr. Nguyen Van That, Fr. Nguyen Van Khai and Fr. Nguyen Ngoc Nam Phong did not do anything wrong. But more than that, their deeds are praiseworthy as they stand on the side of the poor, and of the injustice sufferers to defend and speak out for the truth.

Should you find any evidence of these priests violating the law; certainly you can go ahead with legal proceedings and try them by due process.

Sincerely yours,

By Order of
Provincial Superior,
Chief of the Secretariat
Fr. Joseph Dinh Huu Thoai, C.Ss.R.
(signed and sealed)


- The above mentioned
- Bishop President of Vietnam Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Government Office.
- The Committee for Religious Affairs.