As a clear indication that Catholic Hierarchies give full support for the protest at Thai Ha, Bishops of Hai Phong and Thai Binh visited Thai Ha and led thousands of Catholics to the site. Also, 82 Catholic priests in Hanoi signed a letter expressing their “extreme upset” with state-run media coverage over the dispute.

Bishop Joseph Vu Van Thien leading a procession
Bishop Francis Nguyen Van Sang braved cold rain with protestors
On 4th September, Bishop Joseph Vu Van Thien, from Hai Phong Diocese, travelled 100 km to Hanoi to give his support to protestors. He was accompanied by hundreds of Catholics, and dozens of priests and religious of his diocese.

“In these days,” said Bishop Joseph Vu leading a procession to the site, “media coverages have bewildered, and confused Catholics and non-Catholics. There have been so many news reports defaming reputation and dignity of Catholics. Let us pray so that everybody knows how to respect the truth and defend for justice.”

On the same day, more than 3000 Catholics braving cold rain at Thai Ha applauded Bishop Francis Nguyen Van Sang who had travelled 110 km from his Thai Binh Diocese to join protestors. “I gave you,” said Bishop Francis after a short prayer service, “a rosary bead that was blessed by the Pope himself in the hope that our Mother of Perpetual Help will save you from dangers and chaos.”

Addressing police officials who were in duty at the site, “For non-Catholics and non-believers,” said Bishop Francis, “I also wish you good health and peace”. His blessings were welcomed by many police men.

Eighty two Catholic priests in Hanoi also gave their full support to Thai Ha parish. In a letter to the government, they expressed their “extreme upset” to the way it has handled the dispute. “The issue in its nature is only a civil dispute between Thai Ha parish and the Chien Thang Sewing Company, how come this government mobilized the whole system of media and even its armed force to assault the parish?” the letter asked.

The letter requested that the government “not to criminalize such dispute of a civil nature. Stop summoning and arresting parishioners; not to politicize such internal dispute …not to take security measures of violent nature in resolving the parishioners’ legitimate demand”.

Furthermore, the government “must not broadcast news that is one-way, distortional, defaming, insulting to the priests, brothers and parishioners… and immediately investigate and prosecute those individuals and organizations who had savagely assaulted the parishioners while they were praying peacefully… not to terrorize or apply discriminating or prejudice treatment on Catholic students and public servants”.