Archdiocese of Hanoi
Redemptorist Order of Vietnam
Thai Ha Parish
180/2 Nguyen Luong Bang
Quang-Trung Ward
Dong- Da District
City of Hanoi
Number 10/2008/DCCTHN

Hanoi August 29th 2008

Emergency Claim

(regarding the police's break-down and assault on praying parishioners by force)


The President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam
The Prime Minister of Socialist Republic of Vietnam
The People's Bureau of Investigation of Hanoi
The People's Supreme Court of Hanoi
The Department of Public Safety of Hanoi
The People's Committee of District of Dong-Da
The People's Bureau of Investigation, District of Dong-Da
Department of Public Safety, District of Dong-Da

We, all the clergymen of the Redemptorist Order as well as the parishioners of Thai Ha parish, Hanoi, currently located at 180/2 Nguyen Luong Bang St, Quang Trung ward, Dong-Da district, Hanoi are filing this emergency claim to the legal authority on the ground as set forth in the followings:

Last night, August 28th 2008, at around 7:45 pm, while our parishioners were holding a peaceful prayer-vigil at the gate of Department of Public Safety of Dong-Da District intending to request the Department( of Public Safety) to comply with the law, ending illegal detention of innocent people and release those who were arrested during an illegal raid, many policemen from mobile units had used electrical batons and others supporting tools to break-down and assault the prayer-vigil participants barbarously

As a result of this action many parishioners suffered serious injuries. Others were beaten until losing consciousness. Numerous of them were taken away and to date still not accounted for.

The incident which happened in broad day light on the main road of Hanoi called Thai Ha street had caused an outrage among not only our parishioners but also bystanders, those living in the vicinity of Thai Ha street who had witnessed savage treatments on religious civilians

We therefore demand immediate release of the detained innocents

We ask of those who caused harm and damage during the incident to be held liable for the care and treatment of their injured victims.

We also demand immediate cease to the unconstitutional, unlawful claim on the property of the Redemptorist Order and Thai Ha Parish. That claim had turned victims into perpetrators, and vice versa.

All along we have been the victims in a land and property- appropriation without proof or evidence. The proofs presented by the People's Committee of Hanoi had no legal merit which could enable them to legitimize (their) withholding of our land and property. We therefore recommend legal action against the wrongful appropriation caused by People's Committee of Hanoi

We assert that until now and thereafter, for any form of acquisition applied the property in question will still belong to us. Any conduct performed on our property without our constitutional and legal consent would deem no legal merit. We are determined to protect our property in it's material and spiritual values at all cost.

We vehemently denounce the barbarous act of suppression, and call for the voice of conscience to speak out for the protection of the innocents

We ask the government to stop those inhumane, brutal acts of violence as in what happened last night to those innocents

In Justice and in Truth we trust,

The Clergymen and Parishioners,
Redemptorist's Monastery and Thai Ha Parish

(all signed)
Rev Nguyen Van That
Rev Nguyen Ngoc Nam Phong
Rev Peter Nguyen Van Khai
Rev Tran Van Hung
Rev Nguyen Van Dung
Bro. Anthony Nguyen Van Tang
Rev Dinh Tien Duc
Rev Le Xuan Loc


Chairman, National Congress
Committee for Affairs XII
Congress' Committee for People's Aspirations
Committee for Religions
Central Committee for Propaganda
Committee for Patriotic Front of Vietnam
Department of Public Safety
Ministry of Construction
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
People's Council, Committee for Religion and Bureau of Public Safety of Hanoi
The People' Committee, Office of Public Safety of Quang Trung ward
The Archdioceses, Dioceses, Parishes (to be informed)
The News agencies, Broadcasting companies