Thai Ha Monastery

180/2 Nguyen Luong Bang

District of Dong Da, Hanoi

Phone: 04.8511239

Hanoi August 19th 2008


(First time)

(Regarding a distortion of truth attempt by the state-run media on Thai Ha church)

To: Mr. Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Director of State Television of Vietnam

Director of Hanoi Television

Ha-Noi -Moi Newspaper

An-Ninh-Thu-Do Newspaper

Kinh-Te-Do-Thi News Magazine

Head of the Central Culture and Ideology Committee

The People’s Committee of Hanoi

Ministry of Information –Media

Ministry of Public Security

All related agencies and general media community

We, all clergymen and parishioners of the Redemptorist’s monastery and Thai Ha parish, Hanoi Archdiocese, are filing this complaint against those responsible for the following:

On August 17th, 18th and 19th in the noon and evening broadcasting on Current events of Hanoi Radio and Hanoi Television, also on Ha-Noi -Moi Newspaper as well as Kinh-Te-Do-Thi News Magazine there were episodes/articles pertaining to the Thai Ha parishioners’ vigil/prayer session at the site belonged to Thai Ha parish but has been unconstitutionally confiscated by the government then illegally occupied by Chien Thang Sewing Company.

The contents of those broadcasts and/or articles were overtly distorting to the truth in a manner that was dishonest and fabricating, untrue and contradicting to what history and the indisputable evidences have shown as to what happened to the property of Thai Ha parish, located in Quang Trung ward, Dong Da district, city of Hanoi.

This mere attempt has caused an outrage among the public in general Christian community, in particular.

I. The one-sided, twisted, untrue pieces of information

First and foremost, the land, the property in dispute belongs to the Redemptorist Religious order and of Thai Ha Parish. This claim has been confirmed by the state documents throughout history

We now solemnly reaffirm: we have enough evidence and witnesses to prove that the property rightfully owned by the Redemptorist monastery-Thai Ha Parish has been illegally seized by a number of state-run agencies

Our land and our property have been purchased since 1928, prior to the birth of the Republic Democratic of Vietnam, currently known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Never did we donate, offer, consecrate, sell or transfer ownership to anyone according to the law throughout different stages of time.

Furthermore, to date, during the course of our working sessions, spanning more than ten years in duration with the government, they never can produce any legal proof to show their appropriation of our land and property have ever been legalized. We have repeatedly requested the government agencies to present any evidence, proof, or document to make known of the government’s requisition, confiscation, or purchase on the land and property belonged to The Redemptorists –Thai Ha parish hence they can make legal transfer, sell, or offer (the land/property in question) to other entities.

This had been well documented in many working sessions we held with the city (of Hanoi) agencies

Order #21/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 on June 18th 2004 on Belief and Religion dictated: “Property legally owned by institution of faith or religion will be protected. Any violation is prohibited” (Article 26). Section 1, article 27 dictated: “Land used by the religious institution including pagodas, ancestral temples, temples, churches, monastery, schools for religious training, office of religious organization & other religious facilities authorized to operated by the government can be utilized on a permanent basis.”

The claim in which Vietnam Television and Vietnam Radio and other state-run stations had broadcasted that On October 24th, Reverand Vu Ngoc Bich signed a document at a meeting called “Conference for ownership transfer to state administration” was baseless. We have many documents to discredit this claim.

Now we would like to present our views on this issue as follow:

1. During his lifetime Rev Vu Ngoc Bich had repeatedly affirmed in writing and in words before the clergymen and many parishioners that he never transferred, gave up, consecrated or offered to any individual or organization any land, property that belonged to The Redemptorist monastery at Thai Ha, Hanoi.

On the other hand, Reverand Vu Ngoc Bich was only a property manager without any legal authority to sell, give up, or offer any parish’s property. Thai Ha parish has always been it’s sole proprietor

2. During the settlement conferences, we had repeatedly requested for us to be provided with proof of transfer, offer or consecration …to no avail

3. On the news bulletin or newspaper, also on the resolution #2476/QD- UBND the People’s Committee of Hanoi sent to us on June 30th 2008, Rev Bich signed the document at the “Conference for ownership transfer to state administration” dated back in Oct 24th 1961. According to the resolution, the transfer was to carry out the Prime Minister’ decree #73/Ttg dated 7/7/1962 (?) However in the official correspondence # 1784/TNMT & ND-CS from the Mimistry of Natural Resources, Environment & Housing in Hanoi the date Rev Bich transferred the Thai Ha’s land to the government was dated 24th of November, 1961

4. Strangely enough, on the decree #76/QL-ND Hanoi’s Bureau of Housing Management handed to Hanoi Wool Rug Enterprise when the 16,296 m2 piece of land situated by Nam Dong church -Thai Ha parish bearing the date of Jan 30th 1961 (?)

5. To our law knowledge, “father could not be born after his son”. How come an act occurred on January 1961, or October 1961, or November 1961 was to conform with a law decreed more than one year later.

The fact speaks for itself, that there was no consecration, offer, donation or whatsoever on this land. In case there was such a document allowing the offer/transfer/consecration of the property but bearing no signature of the sole proprietor it would be deemed illegal. Again, to this challenging task of proving, the government agencies chose to ignore.

6. The said property belongs to the Catholic Church of Vietnam, which has not been acting as a property manager for the government, nor has it borrowed or even asked for it. Since the land is neither illegally obtained nor appointed by the court as property manager, it’s ownership can not be returned to the government.

Therefore, we again declare: the said land/ property as of today still belongs to it’s rightful owner of the Redemptorist’s Order – Thai Ha Parish. Any attempt to appropriate, extort, purchase or donate without our written consent would deem illegal. We’re determined to stand guard for the truth, for justice, and for our property as interpreted by the constitution and the law at any cost.

II. Acts of Distortion and Defamation.

On television shows as well as in the articles on Hanoi Moi (New Hanoi) Newspaper, KinhTeDoThi (Metropolitan Economics) News Magazine, and AnNinhThuDo (Capitol Security) Newspaper there have been numerous fabricated information being published without respect for the truth. For example the article under the title “Do not repeat contempt of law and order” published on August 18th, read “Church of Thai-Ha also set up a megaphone, constantly causing disturbance from 8 am on, sometimes until 1 -2 am. Through the loudspeaker system, church officials kept spreading words of instigating, vulgar, unacceptable nature” “the church also posted banners with incorrect information to sully the government, slander the people, and instigate the faithful…”

We affirm: Those accusations are defaming, insulting to the clergymen and proud citizens and parishioners of Thai Ha in particular and the Catholic community as a whole. We demand the responsible parties to clarify this issue with enough evidence to back up their claim on their airwaves and/or newspaper in a timely manner

This despicable act of defamation can not fool anyone as it’s causing mistrust among the Catholics and Non Catholics alike in this political system. It also goes against the policy of unification, mutual respect for one another and respect for human dignity in a society with jurisdiction over and in which the government is calling everybody to help contributing.

With what has been presented above, based on the interpretation of the Constitution and State law of Vietnam (article 28 on the Press (media) )we ask that:

1. The State Television of Vietnam, Hanoi Television as well as Hanoi Radio,

Ha-Noi Moi Newspaper, KinhTeDoThi Magazine, AnNinhThuDo Newspaper will solemly report the event with objectivity and respect for the truth, will arrange an investigation and make correction according to the current law.

2. Individual or organizations who deliberately distorted the truth have to take responsibility for their actions

3. Respond to us in writing in a fashion the law has dictated.

The Clergymen and Parishioners at Church of Thai Ha

(All signed)

Rev. Matthew Vu Khoi Phung

Rev. Nguyen Van That

Rev. Nguyen Ngoc Nam Phong

Rev. Dinh Tuan Duc

Rev. Tran Van Hung

Rev. Le Xuan Loc

Rev. Ngueyn Van Dung

Rev. Pham Thanh Quang

Mr. Anthony Nguyen Van Tang