Rome, Jul. 4, 2008 ( - Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) is considering changes in the Mass, according to an Italian publication.

The weekly Panorama reports that the Holy Father has asked the Congregation for Divine Worship to study the possibility of changes that would include using Latin in the Eucharistic Prayer and moving the Sign of Peace to the Offertory.

Note: CWN has not been able to confirm the accuracy of the Panorama report. The New Liturgical Movement web site, which brought the Italian report to the attention of English-speaking readers, cautioned that the Panorama report should be treated "with great caution." The Panorama story itself suggests only that the Pope has asked for a study of the proposals-- not that he is prepared to implement the changes.

According to the Italian weekly, the Pope is weighing the use of Latin for the formula of Consecration at Mass. He may also be leaning toward the use of Latin in other sacraments.

Pope Benedict has often expressed a desire to enrich the post-conciliar liturgy by incorporating some aspects of older liturgical practices. The proposed changes could be seen as part of that process.