Hanoi, Apr. 8, 2008 (CWNews.com) - Vietnamese Catholic activists, continuing their campaign for the restoration of Church properties seized by the Communist government, are holding daily protests at a former Redemptorist monastery site.

Defying a warning from local officials-- who warned that the "illegal activities" must end by noon on April 7-- Catholic activists have continued their vigils. The daily demonstrations have occurred since January 6.

Officials have ordered the demonstrators to remove a cross and statues of the Virgin Mary from the 14-acre site, and to take down the tents that have provided shelter for protestors for the past several weeks.

The property in question was purchased by the Redemptorist order in 1928. In 1954, after the Communist takeover, most Redemptorists were deported or imprisoned, and the 15-acre site was gradually reduced to less than one acre.

Requests from Church leaders for restoration of the property have been spurned. The issue came to a head this year when the government authorized construction of a factory on the disputed land; Catholic activists began their vigil in an effort to prevent construction.