Tensions are rising as Catholics in Hanoi continue their sit-in protests while the city police accuse the clergy of “lying to their flock” and forcing the laity to demonstrate. In response, Archbishop Joseph Ngô has said, “I’m prepared to go to jail for my flock.”

A local source informed CNA that he believes the state-run newspapers are trying to prepare the locals for a crackdown on the Catholic protestors.

Despite cold rains and biting winds, hundreds of protesters have camped out in the residence garden since last Friday.

At the moment, in the lawn of the building, hundreds religious and lay people are praying. Large numbers of security police, in uniform and in plain-clothes, are on the site, surrounding the protesters and mingling in their ranks, taking photos and filming with video cameras.

As the Vietnamese Catholics continue to pray and demonstrate refusing to leave the land, a local authority threatens to use extreme actions against them