Ultimatum of the People's Committee of Hanoi City to Vietnamese Catholics

Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Independence - Freedom - Happiness

The People's Committee
Hanoi City

Hanoi - January 26, 2008

No. 273/UBND-VX

Re: Coordinated Efforts to Solve the Violation of the Laws of some Clergies and the Laity at 42 Nha Chung Avenue (Headquarters of the Cultural and Information Department and Culture House of Hoan Kiem District)

For the Attention of: The Archbishop's Office in the Archdiocese of Hanoi
C/c: The Vietnamese Council of Catholic Bishops

On January 11, 2008, the People's Committee of Hanoi City sent an official correspondence No. 273/UBND-VX to Your Excellency Nguyen Van Nhon - President of the Vietnamese Council of Catholic Bishops, and Your Excellency Ngo Quang Kiet - the Archbishop of Hanoi, in regards to the violation of the Archbishop's Office and Thai Ha Parish. It was stated very clear in that document that: "Asking the Archbishop's Office of Hanoi to stop immediately all activities that violated the laws, and other regulations of religious activities, and at the same time to restore the original state of that place by having the statue of Virgin Mary and the Holy Cross removed from 42 Nha Chung Avenue;" but the latter did not only honor this request but also let the situation get worse. Especially at 11:30AM on January 25, 2008 after the anniversary Mass commemorating 90th birthday, 60th years as priest, and 45 years as Bishop of Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung, there were around 100 priests and 1000 parishioners, who moved from the Archbishop's Office in Hanoi to 42 Nha Chung Avenue, which is now the headquarters of the Cultural and Information Department and Culture House of Hoan Kiem District, to gather, pray, incite and push down two iron gates, then pour inside the yard to fight and injure state personnel. Some of these had to bring to emergency. Parishioners and the clergy erected a Holy Cross around 5-feet high in front of the headquarters of the Cultural and Information Department and Culture House of Hoan Kiem District, and built the foundation with cement. In addition, parishioners also smashed the door and then put up a tent to live, and to pray there. They gathered and remove the name plate of that headquarters, and then display banners right in the area of 42 Nha Chung Avenue on the same day.

On the website of the Church, this incident was reported live with photos, articles, and hot news that distorting the truth and inciting the laity.

The above-mentioned activities of the clergy and the laity did in fact violate the laws as detailed below:

- Damage government's properties (i.e. the headquarters of the Cultural and Information Department and Culture House of Hoan Kiem District).
- Transgress government land and build without permit (i.e. the erection of the Holy Cross, the placement of Virgin Mary statue, and the setup of living tents); and display banners without permission.
- Gather a large crowd of people and illegally reside there, disrupt public traffic order and government working place at 42 Nha Chung Avenue.
- Display offensive behavior, revile and cause injuries to state personnel.
- Gather to pray that go against what was stipulated in the state Ordinance on Religious Belief.

The Archbishop's Office of Hanoi must be held accountable for the said-mentioned violations, and directly the clergy who participated to incite and gather parishioners that caused bad influence for black forces to ignite and cause division between parishioners and the government.

The People's Committee of Hanoi City once again seriously criticize these mentioned violations and ask the Archbishop's Office in Hanoi to take an active role by coordinating closely with the local government in educating and propagandizing all parishioners and the clergy so that the latter comply with the laws and stop immediately their violations. More specifically, have the Virgin Mary statue, the Holy Cross, banners, tents, and other things removed and disperse all parishioners from the area of the Cultural and Information Department and Culture House of Hoan Kiem District (at 42 Nha Chung Avenue) by 17:00PM the latest on January 27, 2008 (Sunday).

We request the Archbishop's Office in Hanoi to promptly comply with the above-mentioned content and have an official report to the People's Committee of Hanoi City before 18:00PM on January 27, 2008 (Sunday).

If the Archbishop's Office, the clergy and parishioners do not comply with the above-mentioned content, the People's Committee of Hanoi City will order the appropriate authorities to act in accordance with the requirements of the laws.

With regards to the land issue of 42 Nha Chung Avenue, Hoan Kiem District, the Prime Minister of the government ordered the Construction Department to issue an official response via its correspondence No. 05/BXD-QLN dated November 6, 2007 to the Archbishop's Office that clearly stated below:

In the implementation of government policies about housing renovation, on November 24, 1961 Rev. Nguyen Tung Cuong (as official representative) transferred the land at 40a (which is now 42) Nha Chung Avenue to the management of the government. Based on the Resolution No. 23/2003/QH11 dated November 26, 2003 of the National Assembly XI concerning the land that was managed by the government, the land and property at 42 Nha Chung Avenue was given to the management of the People's Committee of Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City which has the right to use and to manage. Thus, even though the Archbishop's Office of Hanoi has submitted applications to request for the return of the property located at 42 Nha Chung Avenue which is now under the management of the government, the request was rejected as it was not corresponding with Resolution No. 23/2003/QH11 of the National Assembly.

The Cultural and Information Department and Culture House of Hoan Kiem District at 42 Nha Chung Avenue has been in its operations for the past 40 years, and the necessity of using that property for cultural activities of the public at 42 Nha Chung Avenue is still needed up, and needed to be continued and maintained as it is right now.

However, to avoid disrupting the quiet atmosphere of religious activities of the Archbishop's Office and other Churches nearby, the original state of that property must be maintained without any expansion, or building any new projects, the remaining lands in this property will be delineated to plant green trees, pavements for leisure walk, garden, and ornamental plant to become an entertainment place for the public, among them are parishioners in this area.

In case the Vietnamese Council of Catholic Bishops and the Office of the Archbishop in Hanoi have a real necessity for a common workplace, then the latter must submit in writing and set up project to present to the appropriate authorities for consideration in accordance with the 2003 Law of Land and the general construction plan of Hanoi City.

Based on Correspondence No. 05/BXD-QLN dated November 6, 2007 of the Construction Department, the Vietnamese Council of Catholic Bishops and the Office of the Archbishop in Hanoi must have responsibility to report this in writing to the People's Committee of Hanoi City, so that the latter reports back to the government Prime Minister for solution in accordance with the order of the law.

The People's Committee of Hanoi City notifies this to the Office of the Archbishop in Hanoi so the latter knows and acts accordingly.

On Behalf of the People's Committee of Hanoi City
For the President

(Signed and Sealed)

Ngo Thi Thanh Hang

- As above
- The Government's Prime Minister
- Central Committee Public Relations Office
- Government's Office
- Various Departments: Construction, Police Forces, NG
- Government Committee on Religion
- President of the People's Committee
- Vice-Presidents of the People's Committee
- Various related Branches, Departments, and Organizations
- The People's Committee of Hoan Kiem District
- Recorded