by J.B. An Dang gesture is being seen as an attempt to defuse tensions created in the wake of demonstrations by Catholics in support of the Archbishops request that the former residence of the apostolic delegation be returned, even if the vice-president of the People’s Committee makes known that charges against Msgr. Ngo have not been dropped.

Hanoi (AsiaNews) – A surprise visit was paid by a Vietnamese government delegation yesterday to the Archbishop of Hanoi, msgr. Joseph Ngo Quang Kiet. The group was led by the vice-president of the Capital’s People’s Committee, Ngo Thi Thanh Hang, who said the purpose of the visit was to exchange greetings ahead of the upcoming Lunar New Year (the Tet).

The gesture is being seen as an attempt to defuse tensions created in the wake of peaceful demonstrations by Catholics ongoing since December 18th in support of the diocese request the former residence of the apostolic delegation be restored. The building which was appropriated by the authorities is currently being used as a restaurant, while its grounds have been converted into a car park for officials.

The government officials have made known that they have neither apologised for nor withdrawn charges laid against the Archbishop on January 14th which accuses him of “using religious freedom to provoke anti-government protests” and of “damaging relations between Vietnam and the Vatican”.

Sources from the Archbishopric state that the issue of ownership of the apostolic delegation building was not discussed. For their part the authorities yesterday published a statement in which they recognise the “contribution offered by the Archbishop Joseph Ngo and Catholic community in the common cause for a society of peace, equality, progress and development”. The declaration echoes similar stances taken by the Communist authorities and appears in contrast to the threatening tones used by governments over recent days.