New plaques installed as an arrogant gesture from the communists
Catholics in Hanoi have requested that the communist government returns their Church properties. The government has made it clear that it has no intentions to do so.

Despite many huge demonstrations during the last two weeks, on December 26th, officials in Hoan Kiem district ordered 4 new plaques to be installed to clearly indicate that they will continue to occupy the former Apostolic Delegate’s Office for long terms.

Many Catholics in Hanoi see the new plaques outside the building as an arrogant gesture from the communists. However, these new plaques cannot put Catholics in Hanoi in low spirit. Rather, they make them more determined and united in the fight for justice. News articles relating to the dispute about Church properties, along with pictures of demonstrations and Candlelight Vigils, have been printed, photocopied and handed out within Catholic communities. Some parishioners even posted them on their parish bulletin boards. Catholics in Hanoi are in high spirit when they see that many Vietnamese Catholic communities around the world support them through demonstrations and many creative initiatives.

As usual, the communists try their best to conceal the dispute. However, new communication technologies allow more people in other dioceses in Vietnam and overseas to be aware of what has happened in the archdiocese of Hanoi. Also, more and more people see their faith is stronger than intimidations from secret police. On the streets of Hanoi, some nuns talk publicly to foreign journalists about their archdiocese’s situation: the darkness of poverty, injustice, discrimination, and the denial of their legitimate aspirations.

Many priests, religious and the laity in Hanoi will continue organizing more and more gatherings outside the former Apostolic Delegate’s Office until their legitimate aspirations are met.