A pastoral letter from Cardinal Pham Minh Man in view of the lunar new year emphasises the importance of the Christian spiritual orientation.

Ho Chi Minh City (AsiaNews) - The lunar new year, which begins next February 6th, is dedicated in the first place to the education and formation of young people. In a letter to the diocese, Cardinal Pham Minh Man writes, in fact, that "the Viet Nam Bishops Conference chose Christian education as the objective of the year 2008. This is to remind the authorities as well as Christian families, and especially Catholic young people, that they have the responsibility to work together in the area of education, to help one another with personal training, to have a part in building family happiness, peace, and prosperity in the context of the country today".

In the festive atmosphere of waiting for the new year (the Year of the Rat), the Vietnamese people hope for good things in their future, and in particular are looking for justice and freedom of religion in a socialist country.

The cardinal stresses that "our fidelity to God 'tren troi' (in heaven) helps Christians to always open our hearts to receive his words and ideas".

In the cardinal's simple words, Tai, an elementary schoolteacher who was baptised last year, sees "Christian mercy and generosity". " I believe in Jesus and in his love for me, my family and my friends. I believe that everyone should look to have hope, peace, and happiness in the new year". "As Christians, we are called to communion. The local community is fundamental in every parish, and the components of each group are aware that they have the task of following the message of the Gospel. Christian education thus helps us to become aware of our responsibilities. The new year is coming, and we hope to live the Christian spirit completely, we want to engage in social and pastoral activities, to help the poor and children who are in need".